Waking Up the Moon Garden

March 28th – April 18th, 2025

In this reflective and illuminating 4-week journey, we'll transform despair, call forth potent tools for managing our sensitivity, and step into our sacred roles as dreamers of the beginning of times.


Create Balance This Pisces Season

With the sun moving into Pisces, we can expect to see an increase in Piscean themes. This star sign is the ruler of imagination, dreams, and the otherside, creating a "wormhole" for easeful communication with spirit – traits highly beneficial for envisioning new realities. This essence seeds the fertile soil of creation, while bringing in balance through the ability to ground the magic into the mundane with ease.

*Only available from February 17th-March 19th.*


Honor Equinox

Balance the energy outside of you with these essence picks specifically curated for our current position within the wheel of the year.

When winter's frost begins to thaw from the spark of the spring sun, both the external world and our internal worlds experience a surge of cleansing waters. With the increased movement, challenging emotions like grief, anger, or frustration can rise to the surface to be cleared. Work with these allies to ease the transition period and create more balance in your energy field.

*Only available from March 4th-April 19th.*

"When I take my custom essence, I notice I can more clearly hear and feel the true mystical tunes of the center of my heart. Such a beautiful, subtle medicine."

Spring Essence Drop
20 Days
18 Hours
36 Minutes
11 Seconds